martes, 9 de octubre de 2018


Nelson Cardona

Things Are Not Always As They Seem

The Hope Among The Doubt

The Magic Brand

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

What's Cooking?



  Speaking Activity Next Wednesday

Describe the ingredients and steps to prepare a dish
Giving Advice
Read and give some advice

Had Better

  More Explanations

Exercise Had Better / Would rather

More on Modal Phrases

Expressing Preference




Sample Story
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
More on Present Perfect

Answer Key 

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2018

Listening Practice
Listening 14.4 Listening 14.5

Answer Key

Present Perfect Explanation

Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Exercises Yet / Just / Already
Present Perfect

1) Tom wrote his 1st novel in 1995
                       2nd          in 2000
                       3rd in process 2014
(Question for this?)

2) Tola and Maruja met for the 1st time in 1992 and they started as a comedian couple.
(Question for this?)

3) We won’t be happy until we see our son again

Why aren’t these people happy?

4) My dad started driving the school bus since 1990 so he would like to do something different

Why is his/her father fed up with the job?

5) Michael Jackson gave more than 1000 concerts

(Question for this?)

Present Perfect Links

More On Present Perfect

Present Perfect Vs Past Simple

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2018

Test Speaking Section Coming Thursday

1) Job Interview (In pairs)

You will be invited to role play one of these three situations. Taking either the role of the interviewer or interviewee

2) Which House is the best? (In pairs)

Based on the following information about three houses you will be asked to discuss something about them

3) Talking about someone (Individual) 

Bring a picture of someone you like / admire / dislike, etc and for one 1 minute talk about that person's physical description and personality

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2018

Describing People

Real Possibilities

Audios Real Possibilities
More on Adjectives

Personality Adjectives Positive +

Personality Adjectives Negative -
What can you see in the pictures below

1) Name the pictures and put them into the best orden

2) Watch the following video

3) Decide if the following sentences are Ture or False. Correct the false ones

4) Videos Transcription

5) Complete the table with the words in bold from the transcription

6) Complete the following table

7) Write the words in the correct order

The Job Interview Speaking Activity

Work with a partner and take one of the roles have a simulated job interview

  Writing Sample

The Job Interview